St. Clair County



1883 Pensioners

Explanation of some abbreviations

amp. = amputated
atr. = atrophy
chr. = chronic
diarr. = diarrhea
dis. = disease

frac. = fracture
g.s.w. = gun shot wound
inj. = injury
l. = left
ls. = loss

par. = partial
paral. = paralysis
r. = right
rheum. = rheumatism or rheumatic

shl., sh. = shell or shrapnel
shoul. = shoulder
w., wd. = wound

Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original
71,242Auffinger, GertraubBellevillewidow8.00--
196,666Babb, CatherineBellevilledep. mother8.00June, 1882
94,656Barber, Addison DEast Saint Louiswd. r. thumb4.00--
101,703Bard, LouisiaEast Saint Louiswidow8.00Oct., 1867
35,722Bauman, MorandBellevilleloss l. eye18.00--
150,719Becherer, John FEast Saint Louisg.s.w. rt. side of face4.00Jan., 1878
10,718Becker, CharlesBellevilleloss r. leg24.00--
192,819Bennett, LucretiaEast Saint Louiswidow8.00July, 1881
118,183Berger, JohnSummerfieldwd. r. leg4.00--
108,742Bevirt, Hezekiah BBellevillemalarial poison8.00Mar., 1882
54,709Bickel, JohnBellevillewd. l. leg8.00--
135,361Bnettuer, MargarethaSummerfieldwidow8.00Oct., 1869
32,371Boyers, Emma JEast Saint Louiswidow8.00--
206,733Breining, AndrewEast Saint Louisch. diarr. and dis. of abd. vis.6.00Apr., 1882
121,817Brendle, JohnBellevillewd. l. arm4.00--
4,484Bridges, Chas FO'Fallon Depotg.s.w. l. leg4.00--
36,357Brown, HenryBellevillewd. l. hand8.00--
160,007Buckley, AdelaideEast Saint Louisdep. mother8.00Oct., 1872
69,094Butler, WmEast Saint Louiswd. l. hip6.00--
38,844Butz, JohnMascoutahwd. r. foot6.00--
121,221Cabel, ElizabethMascoutahdep. mother8.00Nov., 1868
105,190Card, Barton JBellevilleg.s.w. rt. thigh & amp24.00--
9,038Carey, Sarah ABellevilledep. mother8.00Nov., 1863
40,362Carter, Edward WBellevillewd. abd., r. thumb, & l. thigh24.00Mar., 1865
104,731Challenor, ThomasBellevillewd. r. hip and thi10.00--
74,834Cogar, Charles LBellevilleg.s.w. rt. arm16.00--
17,338Colby, Hannah VEast Saint Louiswidow20.00Oct., 1873
119,506Coulter, James RMarissadis. eyes6.00--
195,976Davis, Alvina JEast Saint Louiswidow12.00June, 1882
73,005Davis, Philip FO'Fallon Depotwd. l. foot4.00--
6,266Davis, WmEast Carondeletbroken arm and wd. r. leg8.00--
70,165Dernmit, FrancisBellevillewidow8.00--
10,027Dietz, JosephBellevillewd. abdomen and r. hip24.00--
43,908Donner, AlbertMascoutahwd. l. buttock8.00--
14,430Dressler, LouisMascoutahwd. r. eye & hd., and epilepsy18.00--
20,878Ehrhard, WmBellevillewd. r. hip13.33 1/3--
35,701Eisele, PeterEast Saint Louiswd. r. arm18.00--
121,071Eldridge, William HEast Saint Louisshell wd. l. leg4.00--
3,349Engelman, AdolphShilohwd. r. sh'r.15.00--
146,920Ensor, James HEast Saint Louiswd. l. leg8.00--
18,712Entz, FrederickBellevillewd. l. shoulder6.00Oct., 1863
128,905Ewing, CatherineLebanonwidow8.00May, 1869
94,199Fairbrother, Henry CEast Saint Louiswd. r. arm6.00--
204,018Ferguson, David LNat'l Stock Ydsinjury to abdomen4.00Mar., 1882
61,466Fisher, ChristophFloravillewd. l. shr8.00--
122,199Fitzmorris, PatrickEast Saint Louiswd. left thigh4.00Oct., 1873
182,646Foster, Helen BEast Saint Louiswidow19.00Dec., 1878
162,265Fritz, JohnLebanonwd. r. leg, and inj. to r. arm and side10.00Aug., 1879
119,630Frost, LeopoldBellevilleshell wd. r. side8.00--
9,467Gaertner, HenryEast Saint Louischr. dysentery4.00--
221,529Gartner, AndrewEast Saint Louisg.s.wd. l. thigh4.00Dec., 1882
199,069Gaudkrodger, HartleyEast Saint Louisg.s.w. l. shoulder2.00Dec., 1881
135,696Gehue, ElizabethSummerfieldwidow8.00Oct., 1869
35,465Grieser, LouisBellevillewd. r. thigh18.00--
224Grimm, Minna D.E.F.Bellevillewidow20.00--
61,832Gull, JohnNew Athensg.s.wd. l. sh'r.8.00--
68,080Guy, LouisCentreville Sta'nwd. r. hip12.00--
174,320Haegle, JosephMascoutahdep. father8.00Jul., 1876
137,165Hageman, GeoWest Bellevilleinjury to abdomen4.00--
33,128Haly, MichaelEast Saint Louiswd. l. hip & l. side of head8.00Oct., 1864
31,213Hardin, Rebecca AEast Saint Louiswidow8.00--
115,591Harttman, CharlesBellevillewd. l. arm4.00--
128,801Hawes, HesterBellevilledep. mother8.00May, 1869
33,126Heberkorn, JacobMascoutahwd. l. arm4.00--
84,045Hebner, MaryLebanonwidow8.00--
137,475Hecker, FrederickSummerfieldwd. l. thigh22.50--
38,409Heely, TheodoreWest Bellevillewd. l. sh'r j'nt8.00--
182,382Heinernan, MartinBellevilleg.s.w. l. arm4.00Feb., 1881
157,645Heinzelman, JohnBellevillewd. r. arm4.00Mar., 1879
221,839Hellmuth, ConradLebanonshell wd. r. sh'r, and heart dis.8.00Dec., 1882
81,623Hender, Wm ENat'l Stock Ydswd. l. leg6.00--
73,672Herbert, JohnO'Fallon Depotwd. r. hip8.00--
14,493Herbstman, ClemensSummerfieldhemplegia72.00--
130,799Herman, CatherineBellevillewidow8.00--
93,346Herpin, JacobHeinrickstownwd. r. leg4.00--
40,960Heser, WmFreeburghwd. l. side neck6.00--
111,556Hess, JacobBellevillewd. r. arm3.00--
184,042Heuer, Maria AnnBellevilledep. mother8.00May, 1871
11,326Hill, DavidFreeburghsurv. 18128.00Jan., 1882
36,081Hinterberger, ChristEast Saint Louiswd. breast6.00Dec., 1864
193,196Hoecklin, SimonBellevilleg.s.w. both thighs6.00July, 1881
161,561Hoenny, ChasBellevilleeffects sunstroke20.00July, 1879
202,235Hoftheer, FrederickMascoutahinj. of l. foot4.00Jan., 1882
172,687Hood, JamesLenzburghinj. lft. shoulder6.00--
180,576Hood, JaneWest Bellevillewidow8.00Mar., 1878
200,595Hopke, AugustMarissadis. eyes8.00Jan., 1882
180,243Hughes, Margaret JBellevilledep. mother8.00Mar., 1878
67,187Irwin, GeorgeLenzburghanch. lft. wrist8.00--
222,778Jung, JacobBellevilleg.s.wd. 1. thigh4.00Dec., 1882
95,501Karch, JohnMascoutahwd. r. thorax & l. arm8.00--
18,290Kastrier, DanielBellevilleinjury to abdomen6.00--
33,125Keller, ReinhardMascoutahwd. l. arm4.00--
131,627Kessler, ElizabethEast Saint Louiswidow8.00--
9,596Ketchum, CatharineBellevillemother8.00Dec., 1863
140,842Kinnah, JosephBellevilleinjury to abdomen4.00--
186,687Kirby,PollySummerfieldwidow8.00Jan., 1880
36,243Kircher, Henry ABellevilleloss r. arm and l. leg36.00--
90,211Kneffner, William CBellevillewd. thorax20.00--
11,123Krieger, AugustBellevilleloss l. leg18.00--
28,306Lehr, AppoloniaFayettevillewidow8.00Aug., 1864
16,520Lloyd, Henry LRentchlerg.s.w. l. shoulder6.00--
185,819Lohberg, LouisaEast Carondeletwidow8.00Oct., 1879
23,697Louth, JacobFloravillestiff l. arm4.00--
168,136Lyth, Francis WLebanondis. heart12.50May, 1880
192,427Maedel, CatharineSmithtonwidow14.00May, 1818
58,260Maloney, PatrickEast Saint Louiswd. r. leg & ankle8.00--
23,458Marks, Geo. BNew Athenswd. l. thigh8.00--
159,193Marshall, Sumner BEast Saint Louiswd. r. leg4.00Apr., 1879
17,656Mayes, Francis MLebanonwidow8.00--
189,297McFarland, AmandaO'Fallon Depotwidow20.00Aug., 1880
81,074McIntyre, George EEast Saint Louisulcer rt. leg8.00--
191,420McManus, MichaelEast Saint Louisg.s.w. l. shoulder6.00June, 1881
216,264McNamara, PatrickEast Saint Louisvaricose veins l. leg4.00Aug., 1882
21,565Meinhardt, JohnLebanonloss l. leg18.00--
117,310Meteer, John TEast Saint Louiswd. l. leg4.00--
87,631Micke, ConradEast Carondeletwd. thorax10.00--
212,733Miller, CharlesBellevilleg.s.w. r. arm & side6.00June, 1882
201,555Miller, James FLebanoninj. r. side & breast4.00Jan., 1882
31,047Miller, MargaretBellevillewidow 18128.00Jan., 1881
152,610Miller, WilsonEast Saint Louispartial blindness r. eye8.00Apr., 1878
184,421Millward, HannahEast Saint Louisdep. mother8.00June, 1879
198,264Mitchell, Elchany TMarissashell wd. r. elbow4.00Nov., 1881
138,644Moore, AgnesFreeburghdep. mother8.00Jan., 1870
287,293Moore, Lewis WBellevilleinjury to abdomen20.00Apr., 1880
144,571Murray, SamuelEast Saint Louiswd. l. hand2.00--
179,185Myers, William JEast Saint Louisg.s.w. of rt. shoulder2.00Nov., 1880
124,313Neitzling, AlbertWest Bellevillewd. l. thigh3.00--
60,614O'Brien, Henry DEast Saint Louiswd. r. shr.18.00--
115,295Oliver, MariaBellevillewidow8.00--
83,832O'Neill, Hugh HEast Saint Louisinjury to abdomen4.00--
15,740Orr, Joseph PLenzburghwd. rt. arm5.00--
131,879Orton, ClarissaSummerfieldwidow8.00--
2,305Owen, Sarah JaneBellevillewidow30.00--
9,972Padfield, CatherineBellevillewidow 18128.00Oct., 1878
9,052Perry, JohnBellevilleloss both eyes72.00--
186,464Pierson, CharlotteO'Fallon Depotdep. mother8.00Dec., 1879
72,524Pobst, CasparNew Athensinjury to abdomen6.00--
175,296Pope, RichardBellevilledis. of abdominal viscera18.00Oct., 1880
140,216Powell, William HBellevilleg.s.w. rt. shoulder7.50Aug., 1876
218,465Quick, Geo. CBellevilledis. of feet8.00Sept., 1882
145,795Raban, GeoCaseyvillewd. l. leg1.00--
27,306Raffel, JohnO'Fallon Depotwd. r. arm6.00--
180,864Rector, George WMarissachr. diarr.6.00Jan., 1881
106,614Reese, JohnWest Bellevilleminors of12.00Dec., 1874
148,196Reinbold, MathiasSummerfieldwd. r. thigh4.00--
63,475Renner, Maria ABellevilledep. mother8.00Jan., 1866
150,353Reynolds, John BEast Saint Louiswd. l. arm4.00--
140,651Riedel, JohnSmithtonwd. r. hip4.00--
34,310Riegel, ValentineShilohwd. r. chest8.00--
28,965Ripley, ElizabethBellevillewidow 18128.00Mar., 1880
221,688Roberts, Edgar AEast Saint Louisinj. r. ankle8.00Dec., 1882
185,583Roth, Chas V. RoffyNew Athensg.s.wd. l. chest, aff. lung8.00Mar., 1881
40,103Roth, JohnBellevilleloss l. leg24.00--
217,949Russ, FrederickBellevilleinsanity24.00Sept., 1882
217,678Rusz, HermannBellevilleg.s.wd. l. thigh4.00Sept., 1882
87,880Sanders, William REast Saint Louisscurvy, diarr8.00--
108,473Sauer, BernardBellevilleparal. or rheum18.00--
190,496Sayers, JohnEast Saint Louisg.s.w. l. arm4.00June, 1881
60,840Scheel, Frederick EBellevillewd. r. ankle15.00--
10,521Scheid, CharlesFreeburghwd. l. shoulder4.00--
34,827Scheve, CharlesMascoutahanch. r. hip joint18.00--
171,219Scheve, Fred'k JMascoutahwd. r. hip4.00Aug., 1880
188,847Schmidt, Anna MariaSummerfieldwidow8.00June, 1880
86,674Schmidt, CarlEast Saint Louiswd. l. arm, scurvy8.00--
86,859Schneider,FrederickBellevilledis. eyes8.00--
58,768Schnittker, CharlotteBellevillewidow8.00Nov., 1865
30,534Schonder, MargarethaBellevillewidow15.00--
43,983Schroeder, JacobLebanonloss l. leg18.00--
43,184Schwartz, WilliamEast Saint Louiswd. face4.00May, 1865
135,913Schweighardt, HenryBellevilleinjury to abdomen4.00--
31,284Seibert, FranzBellevillewd. l. hip4.00--
110,412Sharum, Thomas JEast Saint Louisg.s.w. right shoulder6.00--
110,674Shaw, Lucetta CLebanonwidow8.00--
123,823Shelton, Daniel DBellevillediarr., & c6.00July, 1863
16,808Siegrist, CharlesBellevillewd. thorax18.00--
107,707Simon, FrederickEast Saint Louisch. diarr4.00Feb., 1871
184,795Sinclair, ElizabethEast Carondeletwidow8.00--
102,904Singer, Mary AO'Fallon Depotdep. mother8.00Nov., 1867
59,887Smith, MaryFayettevilledep. mother8.00Nov., 1865
187,125Soner, JacobBellevilleg.s.w. l.hand2.00Apr., 1881
72,465Sorg, CatherineBellevilledep. mother8.00May, 1866
21,426Speigelburg, SamuelBellevillewd. r. thigh6.00--
29,753Spindler, Anna MBellevilledep. mother8.00Sept., 1864
13,787Spoenemarm, Anna MBellevillewidow15.00--
134,809Stark, Wm JLebanonchr. diarr.4.00--
36,436Steitle, FrankLebanonwd. l. knee & thigh8.00--
78,357Stepham, CharlesRidge Prairiewd. r. hip13.33 1/3--
193,510Stieff, CarolineEast Saint Louiswidow8.00Oct., 1881
113,481Straubinger, BenedictFayettevillewd. r. sh'r, aff. lung4.00--
18,480Suonwicht, HermanFreeburghwd. l. arm4.00--
3,296Sutherland, GeorgeNat'l Stock Ydsg.s.w. rt. leg15.00--
80,261Taff, GeorgeBellevillewd. l. hip12.00--
21,076Teter, David WLenzburghwd. lft. hand6.00--
95,927Thiving, Mary EBellevillewidow8.00--
164,780Thoen, PhilipBellevilleinj. to abdomen, dis. lungs16.00Feb., 1880
190,338Thoene, HenryEast Saint Louisch. rheum.4.00June, 1881
88,570Thompson, JohnCentreville Sta'namaurosis r. eye, left eye st. impaired18.00--
160,093Traband, HenryLebanoninj. l. hip8.00May, 1879
97,253Triplett, William GFreeburghwd. back4.00--
183,446Truthman, JosephBellevilledep. father8.00Mar., 1879
147,149Tyler, Erastus JEast Saint Louisg.s.w. finger, affect hand4.00July, 1877
66,347Voegli, HelenaBellevillewidow8.00Dec., 1867
2,372Wakefield, MahalaBellevillewidow 18128.00Apr., 1872
187,000Walsh, MaryEast Saint Louiswidow8.00--
39,604Wangelin, HugoBellevilleloss r. arm80.00--
66,025Wangelin, William EBellevillewd. r. hand8.50--
183,413Warnock, JosephEast Saint Louisinj. back6.00Feb., 1881
121,922Washler, Anna MMillstadtdep. mother8.00Dec., 1868
179,011Wetzlaw, GustavBellevilleminors of19.00--
171,634White, JamesEast Saint Louisinj. spine and dis. heart4.00July, 1880
17,098Whittington, Wm CLebanong.s.wd. r. arm2.00--
140,736Wiegand, HermanBellevillewd. r. arm4.00--
188,695Wieland, BarbaraBellevillewidow8.00June, 1880
148,711Wild, GeorgeBellevillewd. l. shoulder2.00--
80,808Wolf, HenryMarissainj. r. sh'r j'nt, anch. from g.s.w.12.00--
43,981Wolz, JohnMascoutahloss. finger and wd. r. hd.4.00--
110,115Woods, Wm ILebanoninjury to abdomen4.00--
70,202Wright, ThomasBellevillewd. chest and thigh8.00--
200,511Wright, WardemanEast Saint Louisch. diarr4.00Jan., 1882
38,411Zierrath, CarlNew Athenswd. r. thigh4.00--
91,487Zimmerman, Cath'nMascoutahdep. mother8.00Mar., 1867

Transcribed by Linda Potter, proofread by Dorothy Falk, contributed by Deb Haines.

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